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10 BEST Art Prompts for Kids & FREE Printable Drawing Challenge List art activity ideas free art lessons & printables Apr 30, 2022

Sometimes when kids get ready to make art they grab all their shiny new art mediums you got them, open up those Crayola's and sketchbook... and then they stare at the blank page in front of them. What should they draw? Well here is a list of 10 of the BEST Art Prompts to give your kids so they can f...

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3 of the BEST Watercolor Painting Art Activities for your Kids & Family art activity ideas art lessons for kids free art lessons & printables Apr 22, 2022

Watercolor Painting is one of the MOST versatile & effective ways to get your kids and family painting and engaged in the art making process. Let's dive in on 3 of the BEST Watercolor Painting Art Activities to Start with your Children: Resist Painting, Salt Sea Turtles, and Outdoor Plein Air Painti...

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Artastic Kids Online Streaming Art Lessons and Activities for Children at Home or in a Classroom art activity ideas art lessons for kids Apr 18, 2022

Well, I have to tell you, I am SO excited.Ā I have recently launched my newest project that I have been working on for over a year and it is called Artastic Kids. It is my Online Art Lesson Streaming Platform that parents or grandparents or teachers or homeschool families can use to stream art lesson...

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3 Earth Day Art Activities & Ideas for Your Kids & Family art activity ideas art for the holidays seasonal art ideas Apr 16, 2022

Earth Day is just around the corner so I am going to give you 3 Earth Day Art Activity ideas that you can do with yourĀ kids, grandkids, or familyĀ to engage them in art making while also creating awareness around the fragility of our planet and all the life forms that inhabit it. 3 Earth Day Art Acti...

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5 Tips for Making Art In your Home with your Kids or Family art activity ideas art lessons for kids Mar 08, 2022

Sometimes I think that Making Art and Getting all those messy art mediums out can be intimidating! Here are my recommendations for mess-free art mediums and creating an easy to set-up art space that takes little time and will encourage you to make art together as a family or with your kids or grandk...

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9 Reasons Why I Love Wax Crayons as an Art Medium for Kids at Home or in a Classroom art activity ideas Feb 09, 2022

Here is Why I Love Wax Crayons

Honestly, I truly think that Wax Crayons are one of those art mediums that is over looked most of the time. I think we take them for granted and miss opportunities for their perfect nature. So here I am, shouting to the sky about why Wax Crayons are simply AMAZING! He...

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